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We not only inspire with great prices and first-class quality, but above all with fast and efficient service in all matters relating to the dinghy.

By providing your personal data, you express your specific consent to their use in order to provide the services you have requested and confirm that you have read the information on data processing, published on our website at GDPR INFORMATION . The data concerning you will be treated with the utmost confidentiality in compliance with the provisions of the 2016 EU Regulation 679 (hereafter GDPR) and may be used in order to send them, without any obligation, commercial or promotional information. To guarantee the requested services, your data may be disclosed to third parties and in particular to dealers and / or dealers of MS Marine GmbH, who will contact you to send you the requested quote. You are entitled to request its modification and / or cancellation by writing to the attention of the person in charge of processing the MS Marine GmbH (